Monday, December 18, 2006

welll..i'm going off to america tmr..soo i'll blog one last time before i be honest , i'm not that enthu about going.but i got no choice.sigghh..okayy least something happened todae..not sure if i can call it good or bad..but definitely not bad..sooo heres the story...

i got out of the house to be delievery boy again..and ignored my mother who kept asking me to bring an umbrella..which i didnt of course..and after i got off at hume was pouring.really heavily..i could actually hear the echo of my mother's voice " darren bring your umbrella its going to rain.." yea well..blame my ignorance..

thought to myself - how the hell am i going to get there now? why didnt i jus bring a stupid umbrella..-.-"


indo couple -" excuse me , do u need an umbrella? cause we are going down that way too.." (indonesian accent)

an indonesian couple asked me if i wanted to borrow an lucky was i?

me - " thanks alot!! umm..can i buy this from you? "
indo couple - " err..noooo cannot..can i have your number so u can pass it back to me? "
me - " oh..i'm going to my friends hse.its near u back here in 20 mins? "
indo couple - " okayyyy..sure"

then they passed me the umbrella..its was a small one..with little red apples all over..and they were carrying an orange or little apples?

me - "errr...excuse me..can i hav the orange one? "
indo couple - " wats wrong with that one? "
me - " cause..cause..err..ok nvm.."

and then off i went to deliver the pants were all wet..i dont know if it was just me.but i think the umbrella had a hole or something..water kept dripping on my head..walked for about 10 mins..and finally reached the house! then i had to pass this part of the was a large puddle..couldnt get around it so i jus walked through..and my feet were brown after i got out 0.o

then i trekked back to indos..and the lady went off..only the was there..and then we shared an umbrella until to the bus stop..then we started talking about random about who we are and stuff..where we study and stuff..he is 22..and quite short soo i had to bend down to share the umbrella..he's like 1.60m? soo i started to loosen up and ask him some stuff..and he was an indo living in malaysia...sooooo

me - " u play any games? "
indo - " games.."
me - " gunbound ? ragnarok?? "
indo - " yayayaya..ragnarok! "
indo - " lvl 99 sniper.."
me - " i is lvl 99 sin cross." ( actually it was 92..but nvm lah..round up.....twice )
me - " u got bot?? "
indo - " of course! who dosent?? "

blah blah blah..we talked about how stupid the champions asura strike was..and pvp and stuff..all the stuff about ragnarok jus came back to me..talked to him like he was my kind of guessed he played ragnarok..cause who the hell dosent play ragnarok in malaysia?? yea then it was quite interesting to talk to him..even though he was a total stranger..i talk more to that guy than i do to my so it was around half an hour of talking..on the bus too..friendly guy that indonesian..

wanted to exchange numbers but he was going to be in indo for a few weeks..soo yea.too bad..could hav added one more to pathetic friendster acc..88 friends..sighhh..anyway..i cant wait to get back!!!! even though i havent left!! got no choice.have to go..-.-" see u guys on the 28th yea? tata!

p.s ( couldnt get a pic of the indo was really wet and stuff )

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