Friday, December 15, 2006

hmmmm..well i wouldnt say todae is a special day or anything..its just my BIRTHDAY!! yea i know.its nth to get excited over.but come can i not be?? i'm finally 16!! no more sneaking into more being the only guy who cant watch the movie..or the only guy who cant play pool..gone are the days where the whole grp of pple cant do this cause darren isnt 16..!!

lets see..renovation is over..soo no more dust or quite a few things in my room right would be my new BC-RICH S.O.B ( son of beast ) GUITAR!! come can u not be excited about tat?? finally i can chuck tat stupid -2watt amp a side..for a 10watt amp! with distortion some more right?? -chuckles

okayyy..moving on..bdae presents i got this year..

ufo toy..(i really dont know why they got me this..?)

nxt up is my very own sketch i havent bought a sketch book before)

nxt up is course..the best present of all.........( except the can of tiger

and..thks to everyone for the stuff they gave me.(i know it isnt much..but its considered alot! )

ufo- cythnia , dawn , maryam , boon yen , ruoshi , hui min!

sketch book - lloyd and kangjie!

tiger beer -amanda and victoria! ( weird right? )

belts and other wonderful stuff - yk!

and of course to everyone who bothered to rmb my bdae! which is the most impt thing really..and for those who didnt..u can eat my shorts!!! jkin..yea its okay..i wont get mad..haha.oh crap..i forgot one present..the one glen and szu hui gave me..its a black shirt..yea.sry i cant take a pic..i must post this before 15th dec is over!! actually 14th of dec wasnt too bad either..its was quite fun actually..had a gr8 time yea!

one last note..this might sound a little corny..butttt..THIS IS THE BEST BDAE EVER!! GAHHH!!!

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