Thursday, March 22, 2007

YES! i finally graduated from the dale carnegie course!

no more tues evenings in shenton way!

TADA! oh and they gave me a class photo too.not very clear though.hmm

as you can see.everyone in the picture are working adults.except for me and this other sec 5 guy wearing the blazer on my right ( personally i think he was over-dressing just to take one photo ? ) the past 2 months has been fun.laughed alot with pple who are old enough to be my parents!! ( or your parents for that matter) how wish i could have one of them as my relatives.would be very cool.BUT this goes to show that not all pple who work in those tall glass buildings are blunt and boring.

oh.that sec 5 guy was the first guy i made friends with cause obviously he's my age.and we were asked to vote on who deserved the award for the best speaker of that night ( not me.i didnt win) and he voted for this guy called chris.Either i had really bad eyesight (not) or he dosent have any friends named chris cause he spelled it as " CHRIST " ROFL x 100 i wanted to tell him but he already handed it in.hah

btw did i mention that " CHRIST " is a very funny guy.and he came up with this bunch of words to help rmb everyone in the class.i cant really rmb what the whole thing was.crap.should have copied it down.lets see if i can rmb their names :

Tam , Joyce , Wan Jing , Seng Poh , Chris , Hong Bin , Baskar , Gary , Wyn , Mabyln , Rita , Kia , Katherine. think thats all.

well.everyone was exchanging name cards after class.didnt really want to go and grab them but i did get some of their handphone numbers.might call them up overall , i had fun.good , clean , plain fun.i think it was mainly one lesson when everyone had to get out of their comfort zone and act like tarzan and beat their chests and do a war-cry.hah.kind of hard to describe.but you get the picture right? definitely the best moment i had in the whole 12 lessons.even won 2 breakthrough awards for best speech? really deserves a big WTF cause i prepared my talk 3 seconds before i actually made it.

anyway, i'm looking forward to the big KIMONO project! should be fun.tata

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