Thursday, March 22, 2007

well well.i totally forgot about the medical check up that i had to go to.well we did the normal stuff queued up and waited for our numbers to be called.and chiu mun told me that there was going to be a urine test.i didnt believe it at first..why the urine test? afraid i'll pee on your campus and spread some disease? anyhoo.they called my name..low and behold the doctor took out a pen and wrote my name on a cup ( still i thought there could be a chance he wanted me to go and get him something to drink.NOT) and then he drew a line on the cup.

doctor : "fill up to here can already..."
me : " huhh? as in..."
doctor : " YES.the gents is near the lift on your right..fill already then come back."

it was at that moment that i made the longest WAH LAU i ever was i going to bring back the cup of forbidden lemonade without anyone giving me weird looks!?

really had no choice so after filling it up i just rushed in to the room.i swear i ALMOST spilled some on the floor.was kind of relieved after that.cause i had the pleasure of watching all the other poly-students-to-be trying to peer through the glass door to see if anyone was watching before rushing into the room..little did they know.i was watching every moment of embarassment they endured.jajaja

but i was kind of turned off when i saw these girls coming into the room with their first i went "oh not bad.." then i saw the cup " wah lauuuuu so yellow.." i guess they added abit too much syrup in their lemonade.but what the hell.nobody watches their diet anymore..after that it was a trip to the x-ray place and it was over.thankfully.tata

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