Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm so damn bored. And i still got to write this damn 500 word report on " CREATIVITY ".
So here it is , you want a report. You got it.

p.s - Don't read this unless you absolutely want to , its literally full of shit.

Final Creativity Report

Yes , it has finally come down to this. This is very assignment for Design Thinking and I must admit it has a roller coaster ride for me. Lots of things have occurred and I have learnt more than I expected myself to. A lot of challenges have come along my way and I have faced them gallantly and without fear. It is because of this courage to move forward and excel that has sparked my creative side to better understand myself. Not forgetting my dear coach Andrea Kuo who has helped in times when I am need of help. When troubling assignments take a toll on me , I know that I can count on her to give me feedback and help me through the rain and the storm. Without her , I don’t know what kind of work I would be submitting. Especially since my lecturers want KUO-lity work to be submitted . As such , Andrea KUO’s help would be needed for me to attain the best results. My creative process has been a rather tough and ravaging one indeed. Having encountered many ups and downs this year , it is no wonder that my creativity has become much stronger and a lot quicker. I must say that without Design Thinking I might not have discovered what I’d like to call the Creative Process of Success. Due to unforeseen circumstances , this Creative Process of Success ( CPS ) has opened doors I never knew existed. For example , I can now draw with one hand and drink a cup of tea with the other. This is basically how I live nowadays. With my new found skill , it comes in very useful when you need to sketch something out and feeling thirsty at the same time. This is something that not people are able to achieve. Only after years of practice and meditation is such a feat possible. But fear not those who want to attain this special ability. There is a quick and easy way to absorb maximum potential from CPS. CPS works in a number of ways , the first one is that it brings you to the place where you feel most at peace and feel the most at home. So it is suggested that you do your CPS meditating in the bathroom. As most people feel at home in the bathroom , they do not have to worry about pissing themselves. In other words , you need not worry about running out of toilet paper. It is evident that you will have to wipe in between your butt cheeks with your hands and in turn dirtying them. When you find yourself in such a situation , fret not. There is a quick solution to solving this , you can actually use the tap and cleanse your hand of any kind of human waste. But we must prepare for the worst case scenario , in such cases when you do not have the luxury of using toilet paper what do you do? I will now demonstrate the next step to achieving maximum creativity. Muhammad Ghandi once said “ We must learn from our ancient ancestors , back then they did not have any tools or machines to do their work. They built their cities , transport etc. Using their BARE HANDS! ’’ . The message that I am trying to convey is clear , in times such as these , it is only right that we respect these wise words and do what our ancestors have done so many years ago , USE OUR BARE HANDS. I know that this sounds barbaric and disgusting to some people. But you might be surprised , people do it all the time. Even when they have toilet paper in their disposal , just to see what kind of food their stomach’s did not digest. In most cases , people find corn , pieces of vegetables , rice , uncooked beans and in some serious cases ; Human Body Parts. Yes , this is the harsh truth that we must face. We are cannibals , you may not notice the victims of cannibalism that are camouflaged in the crowd. They have to live with the guilt of having their body parts bitten off by vicious homo-sapiens.

Now this brings me to the very last part of my CPS maximum potential series. You may not know this but many people like to be eaten. Has it not occurred to you that everyday people stare blankly into space? In the bus , on the train , practically anywhere. In our modern society today , we call this “ Stoning ’’. Scientists have shown that prolonged stoning in one position for more than 30 seconds can cause one to have severe spasms and bleeding from various parts of your body. Over 2 million people have suffered because of this , and a world wide survey has shown that these victims bleed profusely from their eyes , noses ,ears , nipples and ass. It is not known why this is happening. But it is mainly due to the fact that people do not eat enough , this is also another contributing factor to human cannibalism. People spend their life savings on food to prevent these symptoms and resort to eating other human beings when they run out of food. As you can see everything here is inter-linked. Back to stoning , scientists at the National Health Council have conducted tests on human subjects to test for the adverse effects of stoning. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above. After more than a minute of “ Stoning ’’ , it is also possible for one to actually turn into a Stone. This is a proven fact that such phenomenon can happen and does happen in our world today. Why do you the government has resorted to using stones to build government based buildings. It is because all their employees turned to stone and as such have been put to good use by adding them onto the foundation. There is also a myth that gargoyles have the ability to change these “ Stoned ’’ people back into people. But further tests are required.

Anyway , that just about wraps it up for my Final Creativity report. Thank You.

Tan Leng Tze Darren
DCMD 1B/02

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