Monday, July 16, 2007

heyy again.its been pretty long since the last post.its always like that.hah.

anyway.past week has been hell, so very relieved that i just submitted VDS assignment 2 -deep sigh- took me forever to finalize everything.oh well.its marked individually , sooo yea gd luck to you (:

anyhow.everything has just been rush rush rush.dont have much time to anything at all, pretty much just the same old stuff. Barely have time to sit down and rearrange my thoughts let alone day dream.

got some pictures! every post needs pictures.
Took this while walking home from SP.i thought it would make a fairly good postcard.

This was quite some time back.i think about a week or so ago, poly friends stayed over to do designs.only 2 of us ended up were playing games, anyhow.had a bbq at my place.cause i was the only one in the class who lived nearby and in a condominium.( yea go figure ) first time i organized a bbq.i was quite scared and afraid everything would go wrong but it was okay.thankfully.

anyhow.i was at the bus stop waiting for the seniors to bring them to my hse.then i saw from a distance that the bus suddenly jam breaked? thought the bus broke down buttttt..(okay here comes the complicated part) it was because shi ying's ezlink card had expired and the bus driver confiscated the card from her but she didnt want to give it up and they ended up tussling over it until the bus driver had to jam break.

apparently alot of passengers were pissed off and complained about various injuries they suffered.and one OVERLLY KIASU auntie called the police.but before that, she also called the SBS police.BET you didnt know there was such a thing!

SBS police , dressed in official SBS transit collarshirt and a cream white safety helmet.Fully equiped with a state of the art notebook and walkie talkie.No cheap skate motorbikes for this law inforcement officer, he rides the same bike as your friendly neighbourhood police.

Okay, so after about 20 mins the REAL police straigten out the whole thing.

that was basically it for the whole incident.moving onnnn.yesss its figure drawing already! and for the first time in all of my schooling life, my register is one of the first few.which sucks , cause i had to go up and take off my shirt first for pple to draw me. A min seemed like 10 , worst experience ever. Was kind of relieved after my turn was over , got a few pics though..

drew a rough sketch of a skull.

A few of us did this for F-U-N.

drawing studio is fun.haha.okayy.moving onnnnn.

july 14th hpps gathering! gathering i've been to so far, its just very good to see everyone still doing well. They all look different from the last time i saw them, havent seen sharon , joaquim etc for almost 4 years. overall , its just nice to have the whole class back together again, even though i havent talked to them in eons, i can still clique very well with them, its like even though we dont meet up or anything, we can just talk like we met each other the day before.just sitting there and talking about the dumb things we did in pri school - thinks- (the good times)

and aaron brought us over to some pub to drink beer and smoke shisha!! okay the beer wasnt very nice i only drank it cause they asked me whole barrel wth?!

smoking shisha is better than cigarettes trust me.i can bring you there if you wont get addicted or anything.apparently theres no age limit for it, i saw a 10 yearold kid smoking it at the place.soo yea it should be legal.

i havent gotten the class photos from hui qing yet.damn.but anyway it was a fun night.until nxt time.

what hurts the most , was being so close

having so much to say , watching you walk away

and never knowing , what could have been.

Rascal Flatts - What hurts the most

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