Saturday, May 19, 2007

well..i FINALLY have time to sit down and use the desktop!

lets see.its been about a week since the last post.was rushing to finish the VDS assignment on time.i think i did pretty okay for it.even though all i used was a pencil and a fine tipped marker.

I havent got my designs back yet , the teachers are still marking. I'll get some good-quality pics and post them here soon enough..

OH i almost forgot about this.thks to guan ling for helping me to mount my piece on the board for the was in line with everything and looked very professional (:

and i know everyone who's been out with me have been pointing out pple on the streets with weird clothes and long bushy hair claiming that they're from my course well..apparently nobody has seen how they really look like so yea , i sneaked a photo during class when they least

YES.this may appear shocking to many.but even EMO-KIDS and Taiwanese Super Star ZHOU JIE LUN can fall asleep in class.heh

ALAS! i've come to the long awaited part of this post..prepare to be amazed - spotlight shines

i present to you....

-Worn red cherry finish

-4 zinc chromed knobs

-Adjustable switch for " Treble " and " Rhythem "

-Maple neck

-Polished headstock

-Binded fretboard

-Humbucker pick-ups

-*cough cough*second hand.

-3 years old

The EPIPHONE SG!!!!!!!!

-evil laugh- yes i got this at the best price u can get ( to my knowledge ).special thks to kason for helping me look out for this on some forum.its made in korea and the guy sold it to me for only 500!?! plus he gave me the hard-case as well ( the cushion inside is really nice to ) the one they're selling at swee lee is made in china and costs 900.i trust you dont need a calculator to tell which ones the better deal.He even restringed it for me and gave me the original single-coiled pick-ups.

and my first impression was " WOAH.this must be some really nice old uncle who wants to give pple cheap and affordable deals for good guitars "

turns out he's some JC guy O.o looks like he's a year older than me though.didnt talk to him much but we went over to his hse to check out the guitar.its all the way at bishan -sigh-

his mother was really rude.even after i greeted her all she did was to shout to her son

mother : " Ah boy! Who are these people?? "

good thing he doesnt take after his mother.he seems pretty nice.i guessed he's quite pro at guitar.judging from his equipment and all.and he's had the guitar for 3 years soooo..

well i guess thats about it.i'll just leave you with a tiny bit of advice..there comes a time when that ever familiar question comes flying at you when you feel a slight urge to quench your thirst

mother : " what do you want to drink? i'm going to the kitchen.."

me ( busy watching tv and couldnt be bothered ) : " anything lah.."

mother : " you sure ah? anything ah? dont complain later on.."

me : " YA LAH! "

mother : " NAH! " - puts drink on the table -

yes.this time my mother outsmarted me.turns out there really is a drink called anything..want to take a guess at the company name? Its called the WHATEVER company.i'm serious.and the name of the drink compliments the taste too.It doesnt take like ANYTHING i've ever

SO next time your friend tries to be nice and asks what you want to eat/drink..think twice before shouting a insensitive " ANYTHING LAH! "

tata.until nxt time.

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