Tuesday, November 28, 2006

HEY! once again i'm feeling very tired..can barely keep my eyes open these few days..but still i'm having fun.lets see..i'll jus post everything in order.

lets see..cythnia's bdae/chalet..when we got there.it wasnt that fun yet.jus sitting around and playin cards and this shaking dice thing..dont know wat its called.got a picture though.its called ' da ' , ' xiao ' or something.

went into this room with alot of pple.mostly cyn's relatives and played black jack..umm.and won a resonable amt of money..frm a dollar to 30? i'll let u decide if thats a profit or not.but i was playing wityh zr..soo there was a spilt.got no pics for this 0.o

okayyy moving on..then it was whisky time.didnt exactly drink much..1/6 of a plastic cup.but that was enough for me to feel warm and a little nauseous.the whisky was 17 years old.pretty old.well thats wat it says on the bottle..literally..

and then it was true or dare till we got bored..got a video.hmm.lets see if its clear on youtube -click click.

erm..lets see then it was talk cock time till the next day..dispersed home to rest before going to terries's bdae/clubbing party..took me ages to walk into the place..alot of pple staring at me..gahh.damn weird..waited outside for about 1 hr plus..dont know wat i was doing..then after i got in.hid in a corner..for about half and hour till i got coaxed to go upstairs..to the DANCE FLOOR.umm.alot of rubbing going on.jus sat there for the nxt one and a half hour watching pple dance.got a sprite! thks to you! i was feeling abit thirsty.so it came at jus the right time.lol got no pics for this.it was very dark and the pics didnt turn out right..oh ya the place was - cocolatte @ the gallery hotel..it kind of looked like i wasted my time there but i did enjoy myself..never been clubbing before - psst dont tell anyone - and the whole purpose of going there is to get high and dance..but i am of course under 18..and under 16 as well..and i cant really dance.....decently.lol.and i honestly knew only one person there..saw some familiar faces but they didnt regconise me..err...but thks to yk for inviting me.lol.at least i know what not to do the nxt time i got clubbing.

1.bring friends..lots of them
2.dont be afraid to walk into the club when pple are staring at you
3.dont dance like some idiot on a platform and hit the guy whos trying to clear drinks ( yes..it did happen.lol)
4.dress up - dont wear a simple t-shirt
5.and last but not least.enjoy yourself!!

got back " home " at about 3.tried to sleep.ended watchin LOTR till 5.. and got up again at 7.30 to go to yishun..grrr..then it was paintball!! too bad i wanted to strap the cam onto the gun and have this counter-strike kind of view..lol.i wouldnt say we owned the game.but we did win all of them..

-nigel ( pssssttt HOT. )
-chiu mun ( the guy i can never hit.)
-zi rong ( rambo.)
-terry ( irritating guy on the tower)

-raymond ( pinoy )
-glen ( go for the box..-.-)
-ian ( gogogo! i cover you)
-me ( cough cough - sharpshooter at the bridge )

it was muddy and all that..but it was a fun 1 hr? expensive but still fun..for those pple who didnt come..i cant say much..u missed out.lol.the instructor was funny.lol.i'll quote something he said..

"okay.if u get shot in the mask.pls dont swallow the paint...this paint is made frm $#@%#!@# and if u swallow it..your tongue will go numb and your jaws will lock shut and you will go into a seizure.." you must be thinkin wtf??? but it was actually vegetable oil..lol.ass..but he was funny..lol

hope these pics are sufficient..couldnt take anything else..since it was raining..yup.the paintballs were supposedly painful.but i din get hit anywhere else besides my leg..so i didnt feel much..the objective was to hit down 2 targets and then carry this box all the way back to base..pretty exciting..was abit afraid to run out of the place i was hiding behind..lol

well.that was pretty much my last few days..tata!

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