Saturday, September 23, 2006

exams are more paper to go and i have that " exams are over " feeling.

anyway..we went to watch a movie with the 16 so we had to sneak in.its that thrill be able to sneak in without anyone knowing..but jus to safe.we changed name tags and ez link cards.had to do a little comparison to see who looked like who..i of course took chiu muns card..but the nxt one was rather tough.nigel and glen..-thinks- i'll let u figure that one out for yourself.

the movie was alright.i personally thought they should hav included more gun fight scenes in there.would hav been more exciting.reminded me of counter-strike all over again.havent played that game in ages..i wouldnt say it was gory..its more of the cool kind of gory.not the disgusting kind..bowling after that.nth special.

nxt day was pretty much at home doing nth..went to glens hse to take something.then blah blah blah..all the boring stuff u dont want to hear about.

Been wanting to cover this for a long time..but i guess i din think about it long enough..
Did u ever wish you could hav one of those love stories happening in your life?
it would be nice right? to coincidently meet that special someone in a certain be tinking about that person when he/she is doing the exact same thing at the exact same time..or to hav something tragic happen to that person and u would be there to comfort her/him?

sadly that dosent happen very often.because young singaporeans hav adopted a new way of getting the girl/guy they admire.some of u can take this down if u

step 1 : look for a girl/guy u like
step 2 : secretly get the number of this person ( hotmail acc would be the preferred choice - so u can use msn messenger )
step 3 : msg or chat with this person 24/7 ( be as irritating as u can possibly be - but in a good way? )
step 4 : after a few months of exceeding u free sms limit, u come up with the corniest lines to ask her/him to be yours forever ( when i say forever i mean a few months , weeks , days or maybe less.however this may backfire and it can last much longer than that if it works out)
step 4(a) : here are a few examples- " umm..who do u like ah? "
if the reply is someone else then its time to rethink your strategy , if its " dont know " means it could be u.and if its a " you " then lucky you.there are other methods i hav yet to discover.
Or if u dont like this method..u can always try the " eh.u can help me tell her can? " method.i'm sure your frens will help u.

i guess there isnt a step 5.up till here you she/he would already be yours..then comes the period of " okay since your my best fren i'll tell u..but u must promise not to tell anyone that i stead with her "..and suprisingly.overnight all your frens hav the ability to read each others minds..then u ask yourself..-why the hell did i tell him in the first place ? - then after that your popularity level goes up.each time u go past your steads class , everyone either shouts your name or your partners name..this is the most embarassing part and u wished that either you or your partner was in a diff sch.

yes of course i'm not dening that i havent this as a guideline but its just so common nowadays no?

anyway its getting late.ciao

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