Tuesday, June 05, 2007


WOAH.its been so long since the last post.

i keep procrastinating about blogging and i just tell myself " next day , next day "

soooo.finally the NEXT DAY has arrived after about 2 to 3 weeks.lol

anyway.i'll just backtrack from now till the last post.

Went to the ANERLIN and COPELAND concert recently.had to leave early at ngee ann that day, even though i really wanted to play some street soccer before i left.well , okay i did play soccer but it was at the field.

then it was the usual long bus trip to town and the " oh shit i missed my stop.....again." routine cause i fell alsp.met kason and his other 2 friends there.i cant rmb their names.anyway the gig starts at 6pm and we wanted to get there early to get a good spot.so we were already there at 1.30pm?

and yes i was expecting a crazy fan-club mob gathering outside.but it was EMPTY.not one fan queueing up.

then these 2 girls came up to us and asked if we saw any tickets on the ground cause they lost theirs.i'm guessing the girl that asked us was the one who lost the tickets cause the other girl was too busy hurling vulgarities at the wall.we tried our best to " help "

( " help " meaning tilting my head 45 degrees downwards and turning 360 degrees one around.haha.before telling them " sorry we cant find them.." )

anyway small line gathered at 2 hrs of waiting.

and after that it was packed like crazy all the way.loads of pple ( no picture for that.sry)

3 SG bands opened the show.

MarchTwelve , Vertical Rush and The Fire Fight

fire fight opened first.great band.really enjoyed their songs.but the lead singer had this finger injury and his fingers were bleeding and he wasnt using a pick to strum.i didnt notice it until he announced it to the crowd but his fingers bleed so much there was this big patch of blood on his guitar.sigh.poor guy.BUT it was a great performance!

the other 2 bands.well.i almost fell aslp.the only thing keeping me awake was the pain in my legs from standing so long.

ALAS anberlin and copeland were going to play.

Host of the gig : " YES! the moment you've all been waiting for..COPELAND........( everyone cheers and raises their fists in the air ) will need half an hour to set up their equipment."

-.- all i heard after that was a whole bunch of vulgarities that formed a very very long sentence.lol

but the wait was worth it.copeland was average for me.catchy songs but very indie.ANBERLIN however , were damn good.seriously.alot of energy and before i knew it this guy started moshing infront of me when they played the first song.

just because of this ONE guy.who started shoving everyone , got the mosh pit going.and yea i didnt want to be a part of it.and thks to the guy infront of me , i went from " WOW! I'm at the front.great view! " to " i can only see the drummer -.-" " but it was alright after a few mins.the tall guy moved aside.and it was shorties all the way!

oh did i mention there was body-surfing too? ( people jump on the crowd and get carried around the place.pretty crazy ) .and there was this f-ed up malay guy behind me.just cause he couldnt see he had to make sure the guy infront of him had an uncomfortable time too.that guy was ME of course.he kept talking so loud , could feel his breath on my neck and his spit too.kept knocking me as well.grr.

but i left early cause i had to go to yuan's hse to finish the project.

The Fire Fight.( the only band i could focus my camera on. )

the ticket

that was basically it for the concert.oh and i was wearing my qtss pe t-shirt , soccer shorts and slippers.so i was very out of place at the gig.everyone was dressed up so nicely.shit.

anyway.after that went over to yuan's hse to finish up the project.lol.theres a cat at the hse!! a very nice one i might add.haha

okay.so i'll just post pics of the art exhibitions i had to go to during my e-learning week.pretty ineresting stuff over there.( its pics all the way so you can just relax and scroll down.)


THE ASYLUM.( art gallery/shop they sell alot of cool stuff)

holy shit.it took you 30 secs to look through the photos.uploading them and dragging them down here took me 1hr.wtf.

okay that was it for the gallery thingy.and i went to ngee ann on e-learning week.with kason to meet his other friend cause i had nothing better to do.and np is pretty near my hse.

so he went to meet cheryl ( his friend ) wait.okay now shes my friend.but anyway she's very friendly and all ( shes from mass com.so yea you can imagine ) her friends are pretty fun too...but rather stupid.LOL.

they dared us to wear those $2 shrek ears from mac and take a photo.if we did that they would wear the ears and walk through the whole canteen.yes it was very crowded..of course it was an offer we couldnt refuse.and they were at the losing end so why not?

the god-forsaken picture.

just so you know.i dont usually post pics of myself on my blog.so yea this is pretty amazing already.lol

i think thats about it for this post.i cant rmb the stuff that happened a few weeks back.i'll try and rmb again and post it in the nxt one.tata

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