Friday, June 22, 2007

heyheyhey.once again i find myself with a long post ahead of me.-deep sigh- okay so here goes.

i'll just backtrack as everything that read first happened recently and so on and so forth.

well , lets i had to meet kenneth , minhua , dj and gary along with their coaches to go out and " bond ".haha.something like that , but we only started talking towards at the end of the day.went to vivo city AGAIN , i've been there so many times i cant rmb what i did there.anyway , someone had a dumb idea of queueing up for we took turns q-ing up.

The donuts are nice , BUT i wouldnt say that they are efficient.wait , no.their VERY slow.the person was like taking her time to fold the boxes to put the donuts in.but yea at least it was worth the wait.

couldnt find spot to sit down so we sat on the grass patch at the open air place at the top of vivo.pretty windy and it was quite fun talking, even though it was mostly gossip and lame jokes.

DJ! why dont u want to talk to your coach?!?! shes quite nice and cute.sigh.maybe hes just shy.hmm

went home after having dinner with glen and ray.that was pretty much it.( yes i know everything i typed up there is very boring and comes the pictures.which will take me one hour to upload.grrr)

OKAY.these are from the sentosa outing.

guys at beach.what else could they be looking at?

looks like an ordinary metal case when its closed...

i only saw this after opening it.i dont know what its supposed to mean..but yea if u read it off-hand.are you thinking what i'm thinking? lol.

thats it for sentosa.the beach was so hot i couldnt take any pictures.haha

Next up.Granado Espada grand opening at zouk.

the FHM girl.what?? kangjie told me to take the

Captain gay-boy looks looks stupid with that fake parrot on his shoulder.

some guy playing the game.looks pretty cool.nice graphics.

i have to say the cosplays are pretty good.armour looks cool.and for once the people cosplaying are good looking.most of the time its nice costume , stupid face.( there was bad lighting , hence the sucky picture.)

*applause* TANJONG KATONG SEC SCH! no wonder they picked them to perfom on stage.they played the in game music.sounded really good.and one of girls reminded me of i feel like joining the school band.but its too late.

RAWRR!! cool monster.

Next up.JET CONCERT! okay that was too was pretty okay music is always good.hmm.

i had no intention of taking glen's

bought a JET shirt.$35.step price but what the heck.their first time in sg.

Went to concert with glen , glenn , clement , ian and nian.yup.pretty much it.

OH! almost forgot.took a video.SO ARE YOU GONNA BE MY GIRL? ( hope its clear.if your wondering whose head is bobbing around at the btm of the screen.its ians

oh i almost forgot.went back to haagen daazs that day cause i had nothing better to was kind of weird being the customer cause i'm usually the one serving other pple.haha.serene was nice enough to give me an extra scoop for my waffle dream.awww.she asked me to go to the counter to pick the flavour i wanted.haha.and shu-wen looks nerdy now! but shes still the same.smiling all the guys were working on that day though.hmm.

whew finally done with this post.until nxt time!!

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